Be aware! There is currently a registration stop for people insured by Achmea/Zilveren Kruis, CZ and Menzis. This means that we are currently unable to process new registrations from insured persons with these insurers.
Opening hours
If you have a question or you would like to contact one of our employees, you can call the number below, send an email or fill in our contact form. We are available daily from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. We strive to contact you within 2 working days. Unfortunately we are not available outside office hours. Are you in crisis or in an acute emergency situation? Then call your doctor or your doctor’s practice immediately. We are closed on the following holidays:- Good Friday
- 2nd day of Easter
- King’s Day
- Liberation Day
- Ascension Day
- White Monday
- Christmas
- Boxing Day
- 085 303 2861
Stationsplein 45
3013 AK Rotterdam